The Benefits of a Solar Contractor For much of the western world, particularly in nations like Australia, France and Canada, there is a massive push into the alternative energy market that today is driven in large part by solar power. When most people think solar power, they have images of these large, unsightly glass panels that are just strewn across fields absorbing sunlight. Though the actual construction and design of these panels are a lot…
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Why You Should Get Solar Installation from an Electrician Solar panels are the wave of the future. These panels harness energy from the Sun and turn it into electricity. Solar panels are not solely for those who live in the sunniest climates. They work well for home and business owners in any part of the world. However, if you want to get the most from your solar panels, you need to make sure you have…
Read moreA wave of scientific breakthroughs is going to make solar energy cheaper than energy generated from fossils Human pollution such as burning fossil fuels has been causing global environmental change for decades. Climate change impacts leave us no time to hesitate before taking urgent actions towards a more sustainable life. Going solar can be one of these actions. Luckily, scientists all over the world work on new materials that are going to make solar panels…
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5 Trends in Solar Industry that will Dominate in 2020 2019 has been a busy year for solar. California reached 1 million solar roofs installed, total U.S. solar projects have exceeded 21 gigawatts, Tesla has launched its solar rental program, became a possible culprit of the fires on Walmart roofs and announced a new generation of its solar roof. As in every industry, solar one has had its ups and downs but overall the year…
Read moreTiered classification system: what is it and why do we need it? If you are thinking of buying your first solar panels (or smart blinds with built-in PV panels), you may be wondering what brand of panels is worth your trust, how long is it going to serve you and whether the manufacturer is going to stick to the warranty. To answer these and other questions, a tiered classification system for manufacturers of solar panels…
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How to stay eco-friendly during the festive season? Tons of packaging, wrappings and other holiday-related stuff are being thrown away between and after Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is hard to stay cautious during the holiday rush, but if we want to stick to eco-lifestyle, we should give it a try. These eco-friendly pieces of holiday advice will help you to stay on track. Don’t wrap the presents in mass-produced wrapping paper. Unfortunately, most of the…
Read moreHow do solar panels perform in winter? The winter is coming and the sun gets lower and lower above the horizon. If you have recently gone solar or are just considering purchasing your first solar panels (or smart blinds with built-in solar panels) you would want to know whether is there any use of them in colder months. Well, the answer is yes. Actually, photovoltaic elements are even considered to perform better in cooler temperatures…
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Green AND Smart: 7 Steps To Making An Eco-Friendlier Home If you've finally decided to do your part to save the environment, give yourself a pat on the back. That's a start, but to become the environmental hero our planet needs, it doesn't stop with a simple declaration. We've got plenty of work to do! Fortunately, transforming your home into an eco-friendly space doesn't need complex changes and huge investments. Although we've grown past the…
Read moreUsing Solar Energy At Home: 6 Pros & Cons You Need To Know These days, it seems like everyone is on a quest for green and renewable energy. This is important for the environment, and the main method that the general public adopts to get clean energy is solar panels. Now, like everything else, installing solar panels ( or blinds with built-in solar panels) can have its advantages and disadvantages. Like anything else, there…
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How external shading can benefit your home? Did you know that SolarGaps are meant to be installed outside? People often ask whether it is possible to install our blinds indoors. The answer is no, solar energy generation won’t be productive enough if the solar elements are positioned behind the window glass. And there is another reason too. External shading devices such as blinds or shades meet the sun rays before they touch the glass,…
Read moreAdapt Now: 3 Ways to Meet the Climate Change Today everyone is talking about the environmental crisis. Your news feed is probably already flooded with posts on climate change and global warming. This Tuesday Global Commission on Adaptation has published a report ADAPT NOW: A GLOBAL CALL FOR LEADERSHIP ON CLIMATE RESILIENCE Read full report According to the report, there are three main ways to face the crisis of climate impacts Create early warning systems to…
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What is your “carbon footprint” size? The meaning of the phrase “carbon footprint” includes not only carbon dioxide (CO2), but also methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and refrigerants. CO2 is the abbreviation for all greenhouse gases that are related to global warming. Any human activity, directly and indirectly, reserves a carbon footprint, contributing to global warming. When we burn fossil fuels in our homes, workplaces, or power plants, CO2 is released. Methane, another greenhouse gas,…
Read moreThe Hidden Killer Pollution in the air kills 7 million people annually. The World Health Organization (WHO) is speaking out about it. Eight out of ten inhabitants on the planet deteriorate their health with every breath and this is not only because of acute respiratory diseases and lung problems. A large-scale study of 12 countries showed a strong link between exposure to polluted air and cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancer. WHO shows the statistics…
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External shading devices through history What is external shading and why would you need it? There can be lots of reasons why you would want to shade your apartment. The most common ones are to control the in-light and your privacy. In hot climates the most important reason, however, is to prevent the heat gain during sunny hours. The later results in reduced needs for AC usage which allows you to save money (and contribute…
Read more10 eco-friendly lifestyle tips for the summer In the heat of the summer, we have gathered some pieces of advice on how to endure the heat while staying eco and using environmental resources wisely. Ride a bike or a scooter, not a car Use bikes or electrical personal transportation devices whenever possible. Summer is the perfect time to decrease your carbon emission by using eco-friendly transportation methods. Don’t rush to jump in a car if…
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Details are a Big Deal | My Eco Lifestyle Let’s talk about the details of your life, which often remain out of your attention, but is also important. We will not dwell on the basic things as garbage sorting and composing. For example,soda and vinegar will fix almost any contamination. They can be replaced with a dozen toxic cleaning and laundry detergents which poison the soil and water every day. As for the vacuum cleaner,…
Read moreInverter power We human beings have been hiding from the sun for far too long instead of taking advantage of its scorching power by transforming it into a nearly limitless resource. After several thousand years, humanity made a truly brilliant discovery: solar panels! Several decades have passed since that moment. Now, with the help of SolarGaps convenient sun protection system, you can transform the Sun’s immense power. The inverter transforms solar energy into electricity compatible…
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SolarGaps are much stronger than you think The effectiveness of solar panels in the process of creating SolarGaps has become the most important point for us. As the amount of space for placing solar elements is limited to the size of the slats, these photovoltaic elements should be very productive. That’s why we chose SunPower solar panels with ETFE (fluorine-based plastic) coating with 22% efficiency and a lifespan of 20 years. SunPower (est.1970) is the…
Read moreHow much sun is good for us? We have always treated the sun as the source of life, but too much exposure to direct sunlight can have negative impacts on all of us. Like they say, too much of a good thing is always a bad thing. According to WHO, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the human body, even though sunlight enhances your feeling of well-being. To stay healthy, it…
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6 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Remodeling Your Bathroom Kitchen and bathroom are the two main rooms homeowners typically remodel to improve the value of their homes. However, when it comes to reducing carbon footprint and improving home efficiency, most homeowners give little thought to their bathrooms. Although bathroom remodeling as well as adding some basic appliances to the bathroom play a key role in making the home more welcoming and inspiring, the…
Read moreFrom sunflower to innovation. How the company SolarGaps emerged from an idea It is worldwide the symbol of the anti-nuclear movement and is often used as a symbol for solar technology: The sunflower.And there is a special reason for this, no other plant has such a clear focus on the sun.Young sunflowers always turn to the sun during the course of the day, with the mature sunflower orienting itself permanently to the east. It was…
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The history of solar technology. From photovoltaic invention to space travel and solar blinds The French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered in 1839, at the age of 19, during a galvanic experiment with batteries, that irradiation with light produces a higher electrical voltage. But he did not find out why. Alexandre Edmond Becquerel is, by the way, the father of Henri Becquerel, the discoverer of the radioactivity of uranium. In 1873 the photovoltaic capability of…
Read moreWhy do our exterior blinds produce electricity? In technical jargon, the environmentally friendly solar system is also called a photovoltaic system.The term “photo” comes from Greek and means light. The word “Volt” is also contained in the word “system” and as we all know, “Volt” is the unit of measurement for electrical voltage. A “photovoltaic system” consists of many small solar cells that are exposed to visible rays of sunlight. The sunlight consists of countless,…
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SolarGaps Tips: Saving electricity earns money – What can we do at home to save energy? First of all, we need to determine which “power guzzlers” we have in our homes and what we can do if we consume too much electricity.The most relevant electricity consumers: electric heating, hot water boilers or instantaneous water heaters, electric blankets, fan heaters, refrigerators. Freezer, tumble dryer and washing machine, electric cooker, dishwasher, microwave, electric kettle, cooker hood in…
Read moreAstonishing development in renewable energies: from biggest air pollution to role model, China vs. Europe Thirty years ago, energy consumption in the People’s Republic of China was less than 10 percent of US consumption. While electricity consumption in the USA remained relatively constant at around four trillionkilowatt hours, China’s energy demand grew more than 10,000 times within a few years to around 6 trillion two hundred and ten billion kilowatt hours today. In a comparison…
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Here is a guest commentary about the EU- and German position from our critical Guest blogger Manfred Turner: Although Europe, and Germany in particular, with its strong economy, is active in the production of renewable energy, this is far from sufficient. New coal-fired power plants are still being approved and relevant tax savings in the solar energy market have been reduced or eliminated. Solar energy, in particular, deserves the greatest attention in a country with…
Read moreClimate Summit Katowice 2018: We dedicate this article to Greta Thunberg Actually we wanted to report here about the results of the climate summit in Katowice and as the SolarGaps team we wanted to give our opinion. But we leave it, because only one person stood out in Katowice through the right words and an honest, courageous fight against climate change. So we dedicate our blog post to 15-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden, who made…
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